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UNDP supports Moldova in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the fulfillment of the European integration agenda. Our key focus areas are: Inclusive Growth, Effective Governance and Climate Change, Environment and Energy. UNDP helps Moldova attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and gender equality.
UNDP Moldova
Un interviu cu Ana Racu, deputată în Parlamentul Republicii Moldova
January 12th, 2024
In Cărpineni, refugees find peace of mind, decent living conditions and a comforting word
November 14th, 2023
La Cărpineni, refugiații găsesc tihnă, condiții decente de trai și o vorbă bună
November 14th, 2023
The social enterprise is among the first companies on the left bank of the Nistru River to offer ...
November 7th, 2023
Социальное предприятие одна из первых на левом берегу Днестра, которая предлагает рабочие места д...
November 7th, 2023
Întreprinderea socială este printre primele din stânga Nistrului care oferă locuri de muncă pentr...
November 7th, 2023
Svetlana Racul, the mayor of Boșcana, transformed the unauthorized landfill dumps into green areas
July 26th, 2023
Svetlana Racul, primara de Boșcana, a transformat gunoiștile neautorizate în zone verzi
July 26th, 2023