ВЫХОД ИЗ ТЕНИ ВЫХОД ИЗ ТЕНИ Евгений Вербанов, отец, живущий на левом берегу Днестра, создал организацию, дающую возможность б... December 23rd, 2019 In Effective Governance
FROM THE SHADOW FROM THE SHADOW Evghenii Verbanov, a father from the left bank of Nistru River, created an organization through w... December 23rd, 2019 In Effective Governance
Din conul de umbră Din conul de umbră Evghenii Verbanov, un tată din stânga Nistrului, a creat o organizație prin care face auzite voci... December 23rd, 2019 In Effective Governance
Rampa spre incluziune Rampa spre incluziune ... Vitalii Slipcenco din Tiraspol, prin activismul său civic, transformă mediul în care trăiește în ... December 3rd, 2019 In Effective Governance
The way to inclusion The way to inclusion Through civic activism, Vitalii Slipcenco from Tiraspol transforms his environment into an access... December 3rd, 2019 In Effective Governance
Дорога к инклюзии Дорога к инклюзии Благодаря активной гражданской позиции Виталия Слипченко из Тирасполя городская среда становится ... December 3rd, 2019 In Effective Governance
Judicial expertise from Moldova, accredited by ISO Judicial expertise from Moldova, accredited by ISO Moldovan judicial experts “read” the crime scene evidence and contribute to the delivery of justice. June 3rd, 2019 In Effective Governance
Expertizele judiciare din Moldova, acreditate de ISO Expertizele judiciare din Moldova, acreditate de ISO Experții judiciari din Moldova „citesc” urmele de la locul faptei și contribuie la înfăptuirea ju... June 3rd, 2019 In Effective Governance